In today’s rapidly changing society, education for democratic citizenship and European values is more crucial than ever. Schools, as institutions that reach all children, play a key role in fostering critical thinking, promoting democratic principles, and instilling values like human rights and solidarity. Given the complexity of societal challenges, teachers must be equipped with up-to-date resources and strategies to address difficult discussions and differing values. Ultimately, education in these areas is essential for developing informed, responsible, and active European citizens.
VAL-YOU will develop a serious game with learning scenarios and supporting material for teachers in which students can experience different aspects of European values such as human dignity, freedom, equal rights, human rights and democracy.
Thanks to the partner Polygonal aps, the Altiero Spinelli Institute of Federalist Studies is a guest at the Transnational Project Meeting in Leipzig on 9 and 10 December for the experience gained in educational training for European citizenship. The meeting is held between the promoters of the Erasmus project led by the Wisamar association and Tilburg University together with Polygonal itself, Open Europe and PandaBee.

In the photo, the director of the Spinelli Institute, Mario Leone, illustrates the training activities, in particular on the island of Ventotene with the international seminar held every year.