Meeting of the European Parliament Network “Political Houses and Foundations of Great Europeans”

A new meeting of the European Parliament Network “Political Houses and Foundations of Great Europeans” will take place on November 6 (9:30 am-1:00 pm). Thirteen members will be present, including the Altiero Spinelli Institute for Federalist Studies. A double working session will be dedicated to the presentation of the members’ programs for 2024 and a […]
Colloques fédéralistes sur les traces d’Emile Chanoux

Ventotene Forum 2024

The Ventotene Forum has officially started! 100 people from different European countries are currently on the Ventotene island to discuss about the heritage of the Ventotene, and the reasons why it is still an important symbol today.The Manifesto, written in 1941, is one of the most important documents in the European Union history, and still […]
“The flag of Europe”, awarded the scholarship for the International Ventotene Seminar 2023

The first European flag-themed photo contest, #theflagofeuropephotocontest is over. As many as 76 participants challenged each other, in the name of creativity, by sending their best shot of the European flag.During the first phase of the evaluation, the qualified jury (composed of: Reinier Van Lanschot, Brando Benifei, Marie Pierre Vedrenne, Madeleina Kay, EC_DG_MEME, Davide Negri […]
Meeting of the EP Network of Political Houses and Foundations of Great Europeans

Thursday 6 and Friday 7 July 2023 European Parliament Centre d’accréditation Esplanade Solidarité 1000 Bruxelles House of European History. 135 rue Belliard 1000 Bruxelles Programme 6 July 13:30 Meeting at the entrance of the Altiero Spinelli building of the European Parliament and accreditation 14:15 – 14:20 Welcome by Etienne BASSOT, Director of the Members’ research […]
Ventotene-Houjarray School on European Memories

The first edition of the school Ventotene-Houjarray School on European Memories “European elections in focus” takes place in the Jean Monnet House, Bazoches-sur-Guyonne (France) from 21 to 24 May 2023.
The promoters of the initiative are Maison Jean Monnet, Institute of federalists studies Altiero Spinelli, EUROM, Fundaciò solidaritat, Young european federalists.
To view the programme, download the brochure.
“The Formation of the European Party System”

The volume “The formation of the European party system” has been published
by the Atlantide in the revised edition by the authors of the XI “Quaderno
di Ventotene”.
The Altiero Spinelli Institute at the meeting of the European “founders” network

A double appointment was held on Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 November at the European Parliament in Strasbourg which saw the participation of the political houses and foundations of the founders of Europe: the first dedicated at the official conference for the 70th anniversary of the European Parliament (« Le Parlement européen, un acteur central […]
The Spinelli Institute and the Network of Political Houses and Foundations of the Great Europeans

The meeting of the European Parliament Network of Political Houses and Foundations of the Great Europeans was held on 19 and 20 May 2022.First meeting at the Victor Hugo Museum in Paris. On Friday 20 May the Network met at the Jean Monnet House in Houjarray, Bazoches-sur-Guyonne.The director Mario Leone participated for the Spinelli Institute. […]
Taking stock of European memory policies

The fourth edition of the annual network meeting “Taking stock of European memory policies” will be held online on December 10, 2021. The event will gather representatives of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of Europe with the aim of discussing the state of play of European memory policies in Europe, and notably […]